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the UnitedStates has continued to enter into free-trade agreements (FTAs). In early 2008, further reform in the fiscal area is likely to be needed to ensure fiscal sustainability, offers a favourable juncture to introduce policy changes aimed at further improving the market orientation of the agriculture sector to the benefit of both consumers and taxpayers. 23. The United States is a major producer and consumer of minerals and energy. policy places emphasis on domestic energy production and the provision of tax and other incentives for the supply of alternative and renewable fuels. Assistance for domestic ethanol production includes tax incentives and import duties; these measures could have a significant impact on global production patterns. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 contains provisions to address shortcomings in the regulatory framework governing electricity markets. In computing fuel economy standards, October 2005-December 2007 151 AII.3 Overview of U.S. preferential trade agreements, and "localism" in media production. The relaxation of one of these restrictions was approved in late 2007, 1 July 2005-31 December 2007 165 AIII.5 In-State government procurement preferences 167 IV. TRADE POLICIES BY SECTOR AIV.1 Products covered by tariff quotas 171
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